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Find courses on how to build wealth in your 40s with FEN

Written by FEN | March 31, 2022

Our 40s can often prove to be an inflection point in our financial lives. This is the decade when many will reach their peak income, but it’s also a period of challenges and competing interests in personal wealth management. 

There are exciting signposts of progress, such as expanding into a larger home, tucking away more for retirement than you could before, and potentially passing the goalposts on student debt. However, there are also new financial responsibilities to take on, such as saving for college (if you have kids of your own) or devoting financial support to aging parents.

It’s not unusual to feel a sense that your window for retirement saving is shrinking…and yet, present financial concerns are still demanding attention. This is the perfect time to remind yourself that there’s plenty you can do to learn how to build wealth in your 40s and take measured steps towards a rewarding financial future.

Learn about peak career wealth creation with FEN

The Financial Educators Network offers interactive financial education courses that empower you to build wealth, reap the rewards of your hard work, and make wealth last a lifetime. Corporate veterans, business owners, working parents, and independently wealthy individuals or families can all benefit from increased financial awareness and strategic guidance on private wealth management.  

Our courses are taught by real, licensed financial advisors who are not selling their services to you, but offering their expertise to empower you to help yourself. Let’s take a closer look at the six core topic areas of a wealth management course with FEN and how it can help you learn how to build wealth in your 40s.

  1. Life & wealth planning: Gain insights into how to set smart financial goals and manage an annual budget. Income and wealth accumulation are related, but not the same. Understanding the difference will help you learn to finance your life goals or even plan an early retirement.
  2. Barriers to wealth accumulation: Inflation trends and the purchasing power of money are always changing, and can present a challenge to accumulating wealth. Our courses explore debt reduction strategies, common wealth planning mistakes, strategies for overcoming investment fears or saving money on your taxes, and other variables that can impact the wealth accumulation formula.
  3. Tax-advantaged investment vehicles: You’ve worked hard for your money. Tax-smart investments help to maximize your money’s ability to work just as hard for you. You’ll want to learn everything you can about advantageous investment vehicles such as employer-matched 401(k) contributions, traditional and Roth IRAs, tax-advantaged annuities, employee stock options, and more. Our courses cover all of your options for maximizing the value of your paycheck.
  4. Managing family finances: Many people in their 40s are no longer going it alone. If you have a significant other or children, family finances are more than just numbers. They’re a topic of conversation in the home. Learn how to discuss financial matters effectively and raise financially aware children. Family finances can range from navigating college funding investment vehicles to protecting aging parents from scams.
  5. Investment strategies: Before you invest, there are many risk vs. reward factors to consider. Your 40s are a balancing act, somewhere between the more aggressive high-growth strategies that are often suggested for young investors and the slower growing safer bets that are recommended for those nearing retirement. Learn the ins and outs of stocks, equities, bonds, mutual funds, and other investment topics that are core to successful personal wealth management and wealth building.
  6. Risk management: Investors make a number of common mistakes that it pays to learn about ahead of time. Managing risk is all about diversifying your portfolio and allocating assets with a comfortable level of risk for your situation. However, you must also be mindful of risks from financial scams and cash windfalls while navigating the complex risk management landscape of insurance — including disability, medical, life, property, and other types.

Find a course on how to build wealth in your 40s — or at any age!

You can learn to wield the invaluable tools of wealth building with financial education courses from FEN. Leverage the personal wealth management skills you’ll pick up over two course sessions to avoid mistakes and determine the wealth-building solutions that will lead to your personal financial wellness.